Front Sight Caters to All


EmmySue PryorThere are three different types of learning styles: visual learning, auditory learning and kinesthetic learning. Visual learners learn things by watching – seeing something done, looking at words or pictures, reading, etc. Auditory learners learn by hearing – having something explained to them. Kinesthetic learners learn by doing – hands on experience helps them learn and remember. I am a kinesthetic learner. You can explain something to me over and over and over until your voice grows scratchy and your mouth goes dry. You can draw something out for me until your hands go numb. But unless I actually get to DO something for myself, I won’t learn it, pretty much guaranteed. (And yes, I have frustrated the snot out of many people because of this!) Which type of learner are you?

Okay, okay. Before I go on, you are probably thinking, “EmmySue, you write about the gun world. WHY are you talking about different types of learning styles??” I do have a point, so bear with me and read on. You see, with Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, it matters not what type of learner you are. Dr. Piazza does not cater to just one type of learner; he accommodates for all. This is one of the many reasons Front Sight is the unsurpassed leader of firearms training schools in the world. Dr. Ignatius Piazza, founder and director of Front Sight, understands that no two people are the same and everyone learns differently. So, he organized his gun training program extremely specifically to account for that. His team of highly experienced firearms training instructors balances all three types of learning styles in one single gun training course. No matter what course you enroll in, whether it is handgun training, automatic weapons training, edged weapons training, rifle training, shotgun training, martial arts training or any of the other self defense training courses offered at Front Sight, your experience will help you learn NO MATTER HOW YOU LEARN BEST.

Why? Detailed and informative lectures. Interesting and thorough demonstrations. Tactical hands on scenario based training. Hearing, seeing and doing. It is all there. That’s why. Students of Front Sight walk away from their FIRST self defense firearms training course with skills that not only rival, but exceed, ninety nine percent of the gun owning population. The mixture of all three types of learning style makes for the perfect formula for learning and memory retention. First, students hear what they need to learn about weapons training: the importance of gun safety, how to choose a gun, how to handle a weapon, how to fire a gun, when to use a gun and when not to use a gun, legal aspects of gun use and so much more that it will fill your brain to levels you didn’t know existed. Next, the gun training instructors will show students everything, from how to be safe to the right hand position and body stance to what to do after a shot is fired. Then, students get the chance to try it for themselves, so they get the safe and supervised firearms practice that they need to truly round out their learning experience.

So, all though it is helpful in your everyday life to know what type of learner you are, when it comes to Front Sight, it surely doesn’t matter, because whichever you are, YOU WILL LEARN. Guaranteed.

More information can be found on the website for

Front SightFirearms Training Institute


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