Abdominoplasty is commonly referred to as a “Tummy tuck”. The surgery is done to remove fat, wrinkles and tighten the skin on the abdominal region. Many female and male celebrities, actors and models have undergone this surgery.

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Abdominoplasty is becoming more common and many may wonder if they are a proper candidate for the surgery. It is true that not just anyone can have the procedure. Therefore, you should consult a plastic surgeon before making your decision. Here are a few things that will help you in determining if a tummy tuck is right for you:

Do you think you are physically fit? If you are working hard to make the tummy flatter but the condition has not improved even with regular exercise, you may be eligible for a tummy tuck Austin. Most of the time, the inability for a person to tighten the abdominal muscles is because of slackness of the muscles underneath.

Women who have had more than one pregnancy find it difficult to get the flat appearance back. The reason is excessive stretching of the skin and abdominal muscles. Sometimes it is almost impossible to get the skin back to its original state.

Weight Loss
Massive weight loss could be another reason for loose skin in this region. Patients who loose weight from lap band surgery or dieting may be able to undergo the tummy tuck procedure. Because of the high volume weight loss, there could be excessive skin in the abdominal area, which can be corrected with a tummy tuck.

People who have loose skin and lax muscles in the abdominal region during the normal aging process are a good candidate for a tummy tuck.

A Mental Preparation
One must be mentally and emotionally prepared before going in for a tummy tuck. This procedure will improve self-confidence and body image.

Candidates who should not Undergo Tummy Tuck Process
If you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant, it is better to postpone the surgery until the childbearing years are over. Always consult the doctor to talk about other medical conditions and issues that can make you ineligible for the surgery.