If you are looking for a great high quality premium white tea, you need to check out white tip silver needle tea. This tea is more commonly known by its shorter name, which is silver needle white tea, or in certain areas just white tip. The great thing about this tea is that it is the highest quality of white tea that you will find today and not only does it have a great fragrance, but it is extremely flavorful also. This tea is actually made by picking the leaves off of the tree so that the fragrance can start to dry and the flavor can start to build.

The History of Silver Needle White Tea

If you are looking at the history of this tea, you are going to find that it is grown in Fujian, Fuding, and in Zheng He, all areas in China. The different areas that it is grown in create different versions of this tea that taste different and even go by different names. Some of them are called South Road versions and others are called North Road versions. It will all depend on where it is grown as to what it is called.

How to Brew Your Silver Needle White Tea Correctly.

Brewing tea is very important no matter what type it is, if you brew it incorrectly, it just isn’t going to taste right. The first thing that you will find is that you want to use the right amount of the dried tea leaves. For 8 ounces of water, it is recommended that you use about 2 to 3 teaspoons of the tea leaves. IF you are looking for stronger tea, you don’t want to add more tea leaves, you just want to brew it longer. You also want to make sure that you are heating your water to exactly 176 degrees and leaving it there for a minute or two so that the tea can steep. For the stronger flavor, let it sit for five minutes.

What is really important with the silver needle tea is that you are careful with it, this is a very delicate tea, so if you set it in boiling water you are going to destroy the flavor. Instead, you keep it at the low temperature of 176 degrees and you leave it there to steep instead of bringing it up to a boil. Too hot of water will actually scorch the tea leaves and will remove the nutrients that are in the tea, plus it makes it undrinkable to be honest.

How Silver Needle White Tea Tastes

You will find that the silver needle tea needs to be brewed properly to taste the best. It will have a color that is similar to an apricot and it should be very clear. It will also have a strong fragrance that it gives off and will remind you of flowers. The tea itself is extremely mellow and smooth, there is no acidity to it and it is surprisingly sweet. The taste is the reason why this is classified as the best tea out there.

How to Store your White Tea

If you want your tea to taste right, you need to store it correctly. What you will find is that you need to make sure that you are storing it in an airtight container and that it is in a container that is opaque in color. The reason for this is that you need to make sure that it is not able to absorb any of the air, moisture, or odor. You also need to keep it at a level temperature and make sure that it is not in heat or sunlight. Doing all of this will keep your tea fresh and tasting the way that it should.

Drinking Silver Needle Tea is Good For Your Health

One of the reasons that this is such a highly regarded tea is because it has a lot of amino acids and tea poly phenols in it. You will find that with all the anti-oxidants in this tea it is going to be beneficial to your health. This tea will actually help prevent cancer because it is able to flush toxins out of the body and can help with the treatment of measles too.

How Silver Needle Tea is Made

This tea is made in the springtime when the buds are the strongest and largest that they can be. People that harvest these leaves know that there is utmost care and attention that is put into finding the absolute best tea leaves. The leaves can only be picked on sunny days and it has to be dry and clear. If a bud has been damaged by an inset or just naturally, it will not be picked because it won’t give off the same flavor. There are actually 10 rules that are created for picking this team and these rules show that this is a selective process.

Once the tea leaves are dried out, they have to be withered, this is done outside. Once the initial withering is done, they are dried inside for a little bit longer. You will also find that it is very selective as to who is able to grow the silver needle tea and only the best growers are allowed to farm it. This is a very selective tea style.

The History of the White Needle Tea

This tea is a tea that was found in China, where it is grown in the mountain region. During the Emperor Jia Qing which was around the 1700’s, this tea was discovered with the different tea trees that were out there. In 1857, the real popularity of this started and the trees began to grown fatter and richer. From here, the tea took off and it was extremely rare and sought after in Europe. It is still enjoyed all over the world today.