Media jobs in the government sector


GurleenFinding a suitable and a respectable job for himself, is the aim of every being, whether it’s a student or a professional already working. There are very less, people, who are actually comfortable with their current job, every one is constantly looking for change. This change can be in the form of the salary package, type of work or the work environment.

There are a number of reasons, which contribute to the change in the mindset of employees for their Job change, out of which the above mentioned reasons contribute the most. Moving ahead and achieving more are also the prime reasons in the mind of the employees, which makes them look for a change in the job. One thing more, which every one aims to accomplish these days, is a permanent job, in which do not have any tension and have the guarantee of being employed there, for there whole life, till the time of retirement. Such kind of facilitation, in today’s date is provided by the Government jobs only.

Government Jobs are highly in demand and at the same time, are believed to be the toughest arena in the job world. Cracking a government job in India, is actually not less than taking admission into the top most colleges of India. There are even many entrances also, for the jobs related to banking, teaching, software or jobs in the civil services. Almost all the government sectors in the country have respective tests, clearing after which a student or a candidate can make him eligible for these jobs. Media jobs, is another sectors, which is gaining the attention of a large number of people across the country. Many students, these days can be seen opting for courses in the different fields of media, which again increases the demand of media jobs in the country.

Also, with the increasing awareness of the need for proper communication, the demand for the highly qualified and talented work force is required in the media world today. To have a safe and a secured career growth, most of the students, prefer going for media jobs in government sector only, from the very starting of their career. There are entrances at all India levels, like ones conducted by UPSC, which allows the candidates to find a place for themselves in one of the prestigious government organisations. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is the department, which handles the functioning of all the media related work of the government sector. Few of the most important media organisations in the country, under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in which the candidate can aim for a job, after clearing entrances at all India level, are mentioned below:

1.) Press Information Bureau

2.) All India Radio


3.) National Film Development Cooperation

4.) Prasar Bharati

5.) Publications Division

6.) Directorate of Film Festivals

7.) Registrar of Newspapers of India

8.) Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity

9.) Press Council of India

10.) Directorate of Field Publicity

11.) Internet Protocol Division

12.) National Film Archive of India

13.) Children’s Film Society

All these government media organisations can prove to be a great platform for the students to take their career in the right direction. Though, getting jobs in these government organisations is a real tough nut to crack, but once cleared, it can form as the best decisions of the student’s life. Also the pay packages in these government groups are very fascinating and attractive. One can look forward to a healthy professional growth, once he gets to enter in any of these government organisations. Public relations and advertising is also another department, which forms a part of almost all the government organisations these days. A candidate, with respective degrees and calibre, can also apply for jobs in these departments to be a part of the government job sector.

Gurleen kour writes on behalf of

, a leading job portal for jobs in India. She writes on topics like

Government Jobs

in India,

Media Jobs

and increasing work concentration. is a recruitment platform & provides products and services like resume writing services, Salary Tool, Resume Database Access & Response Management tools to corporate world, placement agencies and job seekers in India and overseas.

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