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200-150 Study Guides
Judith M. EhlersQuestion: 1Refer to the exhibit. Two Layer 2 Cisco Nexus switches are connected to application servers in a data center. Server A cannot communicate with servers that are in VLANs 3 and 4, but t can communicate with server B and C. What is the cause of the problem?
A. inter VLANs routing is not enabled on both switches
B. Switch I and switch 2 are not physically connected via an access link.C. A router must be connected to both switches and provide inter VLAN routing.D. Switch 1 and switch 2 not physically connected via a trunk link.
Answer: C
Question: 2
Which two options describe Junctions of the data center aggregation layer? (Choose two)
A. services layer
B. high-speed packet switching O repeaterC. access controlD. QoS marking
Answer: AC
Question: 3
Which two options are valid VTP commands? {Choose two)
A. feature vtp
B. vtp client modeC. vtp VLAND. vtp versionE. vtp static
Answer: A,D
Question: 4
Which two features must be licensed on a Cisco Nexus 7000 Switch? (Choose two)
A. Virtual Port Channel
B. Layer 3C. Virtual Device ContextsD. iSCSIE. Fibre Channel
Answer: BC
Question: 5
Which two options are multicast addresses? (Choose two.)
A. FD00::2
B. FF05::2D.
Answer: CE
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Test Information:
Total Questions: 60Test Number: 200-150Vendor Name: CISCOCert Name: CCNA DATA CENTERTest Name: Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking (DCICN)Official Site: http://www.examkill.co.ukFor More Details http://www.examkill.co.uk/200-150.html
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